Training Events — Lincoln Families

3:00 PM15:00

Utilizing Expressive Arts to Facilitate Reflective Function in the Context...

In expressive arts therapy, you will learn multiple senses to explore your inner and outer world through the experience and creation of different art forms. Trainer will guide you through the process. Since the therapeutic work is based on the creative process, not on the final result, it is not necessary to have a background or training in the arts to benefit from expressive arts therapy. Throughout the process, you learn new and different ways to use the mostly nonverbal language of creative to communicate inner feelings that were not previously available to you by simply thinking or talking about them.


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2:00 PM14:00

Role of Revenge in Youth Social Order and Behavior (Part II)

Role of Revenge in Youth Social Order and Behavior (Part II)

This training is designed as a follow up to the initial revenge training that informed trainees about the different stages of revenge and how it looks different for each youth. Trainees will discuss interventions to help youth process through thoughts of revenge depending on what stage they are in. Trainees will be given time to role play these interventions under trainer supervision to gain insight on practice. Trainees will be provided space to discuss how they can use these concepts when working with youth in care.

Trainer: John Gill, MSW - BRL; Beats Rhymes and Life, Inc.


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10:00 AM10:00

The Grief Journey of a Child Placed in Foster Care

This workshop is designed to help social workers, supervised visitation professionals, court appointed special advocates, counselors and other direct care providers understand the stages or phases of grief and ways that children may act during these stages. Through interactive exercises and discussions participants will learn how to identify and appropriately document the behaviors that children demonstrate as they move through stages of grief and loss and develop strategies on how to respond not only to the behaviors but also the emotions behind the behaviors.


Dr. Stacey Patton is an adoptee, child abuse survivor and former foster youth turned award-winning journalist, author, child advocate and an assistant professor of multimedia journalism at Morgan State University. She is the author of the acclaimed and best-selling book, Spare The Kids: Why Whooping Children Won't Save Black America.


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1:30 PM13:30

Motivational Interviewing

This training provides attendees with a basic understanding of James Prochaska and Carlo DiClemente’s Stages of Change. Attendees will learn how to assess a client’s current motivation to change a particular behavior and then learn how to use Motivational Interviewing Open Ended Questions, Affirmations, Reflections, and Summaries (OARS) to further enhance or consolidate the client’s level of motivation.

Trainer: Sarah Solis, LCSW & ASW


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9:00 AM09:00

Cultural Humilty

This training is designed to provide participants with an overview of the impact helping organizations have on diverse ethnic and racial groups, cultures, social classes, and groups with minority status in the US. The training will focus on helping participants develop attunement to one's own cultural value system through cultural self-assessment and exploration of inequity in our work. The values and attitudes of diverse ethnocultural groups in cross-cultural environments will be discussed. The application of a multicultural lens and anti-racist stance when engaging a diversity of cultures will be addressed. Most significant, participants will be able to enhance personal engagement styles with clients, especially empowering the voices of the silenced narrative and/or institutionally oppressed. The training will include some lecture, small group exercises, discussions and videos/films.


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2:00 PM14:00

Role of Revenge Part I

Role of Revenge in Youth Social Order and Behavior (Part I):

This training is designed to inform trainees about the different stages of revenge and how it looks different for each youth. Trainees will discuss the decision making process that youth engage in when deciding what to do with intrusive thoughts of revenge. Trainees will be provided space to discuss how they can use these concepts when working with youth in care


Trainer: John Gill, MSW - BRL; Beats Rhymes and Life, Inc.

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2:00 PM14:00

Early Childhood Mental Help-Reflective Practice

The trainer will use reflective practice concepts to support ECMHC’s in thinking about their work with young children, families, and teaching staff. Topics discussed will include how to incorporate reflective practice values and principles into their work with teachers, families and site administrators, the impact of trauma on systems of care, vicarious trauma, culturally responsive practices, and the consultative stance. Presenter  will illicit case examples from the group to illustrate such topics and there will be rotation of case presentations throughout the course of the year.

For more information to register please contact Brooke Barnett at:

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2:00 PM14:00

Social Media and Adolescent Development Part 2


This is a follow up training to our social media and TAY training where we discussed how it is linked to adolescent development. Within this training trainees will discuss the different types of social media that youth interact with and how this is viewed as part of TAYs mezzo system. Trainees will get a chance to discuss clients they have and their relationship to social media.

Trainer: John Gill

Register Here: Register here:

Training Cancellation Policy

If we cancel training or special event as a result of low registration, for example, registrants will be notified by email or phone one week prior to the training date and receive a full refund. Where courses are cancelled for reasons beyond our control, then registrants will be given shorter notice and will receive a full refund. If a registrant cannot attend training and contacts the Training Institute within 72 hours of the training or special event to cancel, a full refund will be issued. If a registrant contacts the Training Institute outside of the 72 hour period, a refund will not be issued.


In accordance with California Civil Code Section 54.1 any disabled person who may require accommodations to participate in our trainings or special events, please contact the Training Institute at 510-273-4700, x4132 at least 3 days in advance.


When a grievance arises pertaining to a Lincoln training, the complainant is expected to notify Minjon LeNoir, Director of Training, either by phone 510-273-4700, x4331, in writing, or in email, as soon as possible so that the nature of the concern may be addressed in a timely fashion in order to be resolved.


If you have questions or need additional information please contact Minjon LeNoir, Training Director, at

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3:00 PM15:00

Expressive Arts


In expressive arts therapy, you will learn multiple senses to explore your inner and outer world through the experience and creation of different art forms. Trainer will guide you through the process. Since the therapeutic work is based on the creative process, not on the final result, it is not necessary to have a background or training in the arts to benefit from expressive arts therapy. Throughout the process, you learn new and different ways to use the mostly nonverbal language of creative to communicate inner feelings that were not previously available to you by simply thinking or talking about them

Register Here:

Registration closes a week prior to the training and we cannot accept late registrations. Thank you for your understanding.

Training Cancellation Policy

If we cancel training or special event as a result of low registration, for example, registrants will be notified by email or phone one week prior to the training date and receive a full refund. Where courses are cancelled for reasons beyond our control, then registrants will be given shorter notice and will receive a full refund. If a registrant cannot attend training and contacts the Training Institute within 72 hours of the training or special event to cancel, a full refund will be issued. If a registrant contacts the Training Institute outside of the 72 hour period, a refund will not be issued.


In accordance with California Civil Code Section 54.1 any disabled person who may require accommodations to participate in our trainings or special events, please contact the Training Institute at 510-273-4700, x4132 at least 3 days in advance.


When a grievance arises pertaining to a Lincoln training, the complainant is expected to notify Minjon LeNoir, Director of Training, either by phone 510-273-4700, x4331, in writing, or in email, as soon as possible so that the nature of the concern may be addressed in a timely fashion in order to be resolved.


If you have questions or need additional information please contact Minjon LeNoir, Training Director, at

Continuing Education:

This course meets the qualifications for three (3) CEUs for LPCCs, LCSWs and MFTs as required by the California Board of Behavioral Sciences and is provided by Lincoln under CAMFT's Continuing Education Provider Program (CEPA), #133478.

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2:00 PM14:00

Socio-cultural Support of Youth in Care Seeking Revenge


In this training we will discuss the role revenge plays in youth in care's interpersonal life. Trainees will discuss the different forms that revenge manifests through social interactions and pressers. Trainees will discuss how to support youth in making healthy decisions around revenge. 

Trainer: John Gill, MSW - BRL; Beats Rhymes and Life, Inc.

Register Here:

Training Registration Policy

Registration closes a week prior to the training and we cannot accept late registrations. Thank you for your understanding.

Training Cancellation Policy

If we cancel training or special event as a result of low registration, for example, registrants will be notified by email or phone one week prior to the training date and receive a full refund. Where courses are cancelled for reasons beyond our control, then registrants will be given shorter notice and will receive a full refund. If a registrant cannot attend training and contacts the Training Institute within 72 hours of the training or special event to cancel, a full refund will be issued. If a registrant contacts the Training Institute outside of the 72 hour period, a refund will not be issued.


In accordance with California Civil Code Section 54.1 any disabled person who may require accommodations to participate in our trainings or special events, please contact the Training Institute at 510-273-4700, x4132 at least 3 days in advance.


When a grievance arises pertaining to a Lincoln training, the complainant is expected to notify Minjon LeNoir, Director of Training, either by phone 510-273-4700, x4331, in writing, or in email, as soon as possible so that the nature of the concern may be addressed in a timely fashion in order to be resolved.


If you have questions or need additional information please contact Minjon LeNoir, Training Director, at

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1:30 PM13:30

Cultural Humility


This training is designed to provide participants with an overview of the impact helping organizations have on diverse ethnic and racial groups, cultures, social classes, and groups with minority status in the US. The training will focus on helping participants develop attunement to one's own cultural value system through cultural self-assessment and exploration of inequity in our work. The values and attitudes of diverse ethnocultural groups in cross-cultural environments will be discussed. The application of a multicultural lens and anti-racist stance when engaging a diversity of cultures will be addressed. Most significant, participants will be able to enhance personal engagement styles with clients, especially empowering the voices of the silenced narrative and/or institutionally oppressed. The training will include some lecture, small group exercises, discussions and videos/films.

Register Here:

Training Registration Policy

Registration closes a week prior to the training and we cannot accept late registrations. Thank you for your understanding.

Training Cancellation Policy

If we cancel training or special event as a result of low registration, for example, registrants will be notified by email or phone one week prior to the training date and receive a full refund. Where courses are cancelled for reasons beyond our control, then registrants will be given shorter notice and will receive a full refund. If a registrant cannot attend training and contacts the Training Institute within 72 hours of the training or special event to cancel, a full refund will be issued. If a registrant contacts the Training Institute outside of the 72 hour period, a refund will not be issued.


In accordance with California Civil Code Section 54.1 any disabled person who may require accommodations to participate in our trainings or special events, please contact the Training Institute at 510-273-4700, x4132 at least 3 days in advance.


When a grievance arises pertaining to a Lincoln training, the complainant is expected to notify Minjon LeNoir, Director of Training, either by phone 510-273-4700, x4331, in writing, or in email, as soon as possible so that the nature of the concern may be addressed in a timely fashion in order to be resolved.

Continuing Education

This course meets the qualifications for three (3) BBS CEUs for LPCCs, LCSWs and MFTs as required by the California Board of Behavioral Sciences & is provided by Lincoln, Provider #133478

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9:30 AM09:30

Motivational Interviewing


This training provides attendees with a basic understanding of James Prochaska and Carlo DiClemente’s Stages of Change. Attendees will learn how to assess a client’s current motivation to change a particular behavior and then learn how to use Motivational Interviewing Open Ended Questions, Affirmations, Reflections, and Summaries (OARS) to further enhance or consolidate the client’s level of motivation.

Register Here:

Trainer: Neslihan Pinar, LMFT

Continuing Education

This course meets the qualifications for three (3) CEUs for LPCCs, LCSWs and MFTs as required by the California Board of Behavioral Sciences and is provided by Lincoln under CAMFT's Continuing Education Provider Program (CEPA), #133478.

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10:00 AM10:00

Helping Caregivers Navigate the Special Education System

This training focuses on the laws and advocacy strategies to ensure appropriate educational support for children with or suspected of having disabilities. Contains brief overviews of relevant laws, statistics related to education outcomes, and key issues for advocates and other professionals working with this population of vulnerable children. Supporting materials provide information about laws, how child welfare works, who key point people are, best practices, and key policy issues.

Trainer:  Cheryl A. Theis, MA, Education Advocate, DREDF

Register Here:

Training Cancellation Policy

If we cancel training or special event as a result of low registration, for example, registrants will be notified by email or phone one week prior to the training date and receive a full refund. Where courses are cancelled for reasons beyond our control, then registrants will be given shorter notice and will receive a full refund. If a registrant cannot attend training and contacts the Training Institute within 72 hours of the training or special event to cancel, a full refund will be issued. If a registrant contacts the Training Institute outside of the 72 hour period, a refund will not be issued.


In accordance with California Civil Code Section 54.1 any disabled person who may require accommodations to participate in our trainings or special events, please contact the Training Institute at 510-273-4700, x4132 at least 3 days in advance.


When a grievance arises pertaining to a Lincoln training, the complainant is expected to notify Minjon LeNoir, Director of Training, either by phone 510-273-4700, x4331, in writing, or in email, as soon as possible so that the nature of the concern may be addressed in a timely fashion in order to be resolved.


If you have questions or need additional information please contact Minjon LeNoir, Training Director, at

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2:00 PM14:00

Re-framing Narratives for Youth in Care


In this training we will discuss how to help youth in care to re-frame their lyrics into healthy narratives using appropriate language and subjects. Trainees will get to review lyrics and learn to re-frame them without losing their intent. Trainees will be provided time to practice this within the training time with one another.

Trainer: John Gill, MSW - Beats Rhymes and Life, Inc.


Training Registration Policy

Registration closes a week prior to the training and we cannot accept late registrations. Thank you for your understanding.

Training Cancellation Policy

If we cancel training or special event as a result of low registration, for example, registrants will be notified by email or phone one week prior to the training date and receive a full refund. Where courses are cancelled for reasons beyond our control, then registrants will be given shorter notice and will receive a full refund. If a registrant cannot attend training and contacts the Training Institute within 72 hours of the training or special event to cancel, a full refund will be issued. If a registrant contacts the Training Institute outside of the 72 hour period, a refund will not be issued.


In accordance with California Civil Code Section 54.1 any disabled person who may require accommodations to participate in our trainings or special events, please contact the Training Institute at 510-273-4700, x4132 at least 3 days in advance.


When a grievance arises pertaining to a Lincoln training, the complainant is expected to notify Minjon LeNoir, Director of Training, either by phone 510-273-4700, x4331, in writing, or in email, as soon as possible so that the nature of the concern may be addressed in a timely fashion in order to be resolved.


If you have questions or need additional information please contact Minjon LeNoir, Training Director, at


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2:00 PM14:00

Managing Behaviors in Group Work While Working with Youth in Foster Care


In this training, participants will learn how to develop and maintain a safe group space, address disruptive behaviors and promote pro-social interactions among group members within youth development programming. Trainees will learn strategies and techniques in addressing and managing disruptive behaviors in their youth development groups. Trainees will discuss the importance of fostering pro-social interactions among group members.

Trainer: John Gill, MSW - BRL; Beats Rhymes and Life, Inc.


Training Registration Policy

Registration closes a week prior to the training and we cannot accept late registrations. Thank you for your understanding.

Training Cancellation Policy

If we cancel training or special event as a result of low registration, for example, registrants will be notified by email or phone one week prior to the training date and receive a full refund. Where courses are cancelled for reasons beyond our control, then registrants will be given shorter notice and will receive a full refund. If a registrant cannot attend training and contacts the Training Institute within 72 hours of the training or special event to cancel, a full refund will be issued. If a registrant contacts the Training Institute outside of the 72 hour period, a refund will not be issued.


In accordance with California Civil Code Section 54.1 any disabled person who may require accommodations to participate in our trainings or special events, please contact the Training Institute at 510-273-4700, x4132 at least 3 days in advance.


When a grievance arises pertaining to a Lincoln training, the complainant is expected to notify Minjon LeNoir, Director of Training, either by phone 510-273-4700, x4331, in writing, or in email, as soon as possible so that the nature of the concern may be addressed in a timely fashion in order to be resolved.


If you have questions or need additional information please contact Minjon LeNoir, Training Director, at

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2:00 PM14:00

Strategies for Building Resilence


This training will explore what resilience is and what inhibits a person from being resilient through struggle. Trainees will discover techniques and strategies designed to help build coping mechanisms for dealing with pain and struggle.

Trainers: Rob Jackson and Earl Skinner- BRL; Beats Rhymes and Life, Inc.


Training Registration Policy

Registration closes a week prior to the training and we cannot accept late registrations. Thank you for your understanding.

Training Cancellation Policy

If we cancel training or special event as a result of low registration, for example, registrants will be notified by email or phone one week prior to the training date and receive a full refund. Where courses are cancelled for reasons beyond our control, then registrants will be given shorter notice and will receive a full refund. If a registrant cannot attend training and contacts the Training Institute within 72 hours of the training or special event to cancel, a full refund will be issued. If a registrant contacts the Training Institute outside of the 72 hour period, a refund will not be issued.


In accordance with California Civil Code Section 54.1 any disabled person who may require accommodations to participate in our trainings or special events, please contact the Training Institute at 510-273-4700, x4132 at least 3 days in advance.


When a grievance arises pertaining to a Lincoln training, the complainant is expected to notify Minjon LeNoir, Director of Training, either by phone 510-273-4700, x4331, in writing, or in email, as soon as possible so that the nature of the concern may be addressed in a timely fashion in order to be resolved.


If you have questions or need additional information please contact Minjon LeNoir, Training Director, at

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2:00 PM14:00

Engaging Transitional Aged Youth in Youth Development Services


This training will discuss the importance of engaging the youth clients and strategies in mastering engaging in youth settings. Trainees will examine their current youth settings and look at the methods they are already using to engage youth. Trainees will learn the approaches that BRL takes in engaging youth while practicing activities to utilize these approaches.


Trainer: John Gill, MSW - BRL; Beats Rhymes and Life, Inc.

Training Registration Policy

Registration closes a week prior to the training and we cannot accept late registrations. Thank you for your understanding.

Training Cancellation Policy

If we cancel training or special event as a result of low registration, for example, registrants will be notified by email or phone one week prior to the training date and receive a full refund. Where courses are cancelled for reasons beyond our control, then registrants will be given shorter notice and will receive a full refund. If a registrant cannot attend training and contacts the Training Institute within 72 hours of the training or special event to cancel, a full refund will be issued. If a registrant contacts the Training Institute outside of the 72 hour period, a refund will not be issued.


In accordance with California Civil Code Section 54.1 any disabled person who may require accommodations to participate in our trainings or special events, please contact the Training Institute at 510-273-4700, x4132 at least 3 days in advance.


When a grievance arises pertaining to a Lincoln training, the complainant is expected to notify Minjon LeNoir, Director of Training, either by phone 510-273-4700, x4331, in writing, or in email, as soon as possible so that the nature of the concern may be addressed in a timely fashion in order to be resolved.


If you have questions or need additional information please contact Minjon LeNoir, Training Director, at

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2:00 PM14:00

Strategies for Engaging Youth in Foster Care in Beginning Stages of Group Development Part II


This training will continue to outline strategies for engaging clients at the start of their Youth Development Groups. Trainees will learn how to create a safe environment in order to promote engagement and support youth development. Trainees will discuss the importance of maintaining a safe environment and its relation to engagement with youth. Trainees will engage in role play activities and use vignettes for further illustration on engagement. Trainees will discuss how to apply these strategies and ideas in their work in youth development groups.

Trainer: John Gill, MSW - BRL; Beats Rhymes and Life, Inc.


Training Registration Policy

Registration closes a week prior to the training and we cannot accept late registrations. Thank you for your understanding.

Training Cancellation Policy

If we cancel training or special event as a result of low registration, for example, registrants will be notified by email or phone one week prior to the training date and receive a full refund. Where courses are cancelled for reasons beyond our control, then registrants will be given shorter notice and will receive a full refund. If a registrant cannot attend training and contacts the Training Institute within 72 hours of the training or special event to cancel, a full refund will be issued. If a registrant contacts the Training Institute outside of the 72 hour period, a refund will not be issued.


In accordance with California Civil Code Section 54.1 any disabled person who may require accommodations to participate in our trainings or special events, please contact the Training Institute at 510-273-4700, x4132 at least 3 days in advance.


When a grievance arises pertaining to a Lincoln training, the complainant is expected to notify Minjon LeNoir, Director of Training, either by phone 510-273-4700, x4331, in writing, or in email, as soon as possible so that the nature of the concern may be addressed in a timely fashion in order to be resolved.


If you have questions or need additional information please contact Minjon LeNoir, Training Director, at


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2:00 PM14:00

Strategies for Engaging Youth in Foster Care in Beginning Stages of Group Developmnet Part I


This training will focus on how to engage youth at the start of their youth development groups and strategies around how to build rapport and engagement effectively. Trainees will learn different strategies for engaging clients and techniques on how to build rapport with new youth. Trainees will discuss how to address barriers with youth by exploring their current strategies. Trainees will examine how to use cultural congruent techniques of hip hop and art based activities to increase engagement.


Trainer: John Gill, MSW - BRL; Beats Rhymes and Life, Inc.

Training Registration Policy

Registration closes a week prior to the training and we cannot accept late registrations. Thank you for your understanding.

Training Cancellation Policy

If we cancel training or special event as a result of low registration, for example, registrants will be notified by email or phone one week prior to the training date and receive a full refund. Where courses are cancelled for reasons beyond our control, then registrants will be given shorter notice and will receive a full refund. If a registrant cannot attend training and contacts the Training Institute within 72 hours of the training or special event to cancel, a full refund will be issued. If a registrant contacts the Training Institute outside of the 72 hour period, a refund will not be issued.


In accordance with California Civil Code Section 54.1 any disabled person who may require accommodations to participate in our trainings or special events, please contact the Training Institute at 510-273-4700, x4132 at least 3 days in advance.


When a grievance arises pertaining to a Lincoln training, the complainant is expected to notify Minjon LeNoir, Director of Training, either by phone 510-273-4700, x4331, in writing, or in email, as soon as possible so that the nature of the concern may be addressed in a timely fashion in order to be resolved.


If you have questions or need additional information please contact Minjon LeNoir, Training Director, at

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1:00 PM13:00



The Child and Adolescent Needs and Strengths (CANS) is a multi-purpose tool developed for children’s services to support decision making, including level of care and service planning, to facilitate quality improvement initiatives, and to allow for the monitoring of outcomes of services.

The CANS was developed from a communication perspective so as to facilitate the linkage between the assessment process and the design of individualized service plans including the application of evidence-based practices. The CANS is easy to learn and is well liked by parents, providers and other partners in the services system because it is easy to understand and does not necessarily require scoring in order to be meaningful to an individual child and family.


Register at:

Trainer: Steve Monroe (Certified CANS Trainer)

Training Registration Policy

Registration closes a week prior to the training and we cannot accept late registrations. Thank you for your understanding.

Training Cancellation Policy

If we cancel training or special event as a result of low registration, for example, registrants will be notified by email or phone one week prior to the training date and receive a full refund. Where courses are cancelled for reasons beyond our control, then registrants will be given shorter notice and will receive a full refund. If a registrant cannot attend training and contacts the Training Institute within 72 hours of the training or special event to cancel, a full refund will be issued. If a registrant contacts the Training Institute outside of the 72 hour period, a refund will not be issued.


In accordance with California Civil Code Section 54.1 any disabled person who may require accommodations to participate in our trainings or special events, please contact the Training Institute at 510-273-4700, x4132 at least 3 days in advance.


When a grievance arises pertaining to a Lincoln training, the complainant is expected to notify Minjon LeNoir, Director of Training, either by phone 510-273-4700, x4331, in writing, or in email, as soon as possible so that the nature of the concern may be addressed in a timely fashion in order to be resolved.

Continuing Education

This course meets the qualifications for three (3) CEUs for LPCCs, LCSWs and MFTs as required by the California Board of Behavioral Sciences and is provided by Lincoln under CAMFT's Continuing Education Provider Program (CEPA), #133478.


If you have questions or need additional information please contact Minjon LeNoir, Training Director, at

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9:00 AM09:00

Cultural Humilty

This training is designed to provide participants with an overview of the impact helping organizations have on diverse ethnic and racial groups, cultures, social classes, and groups with minority status in the US. The training will focus on helping participants develop attunement to one's own cultural value system through cultural self-assessment and exploration of inequity in our work. The values and attitudes of diverse ethnocultural groups in cross-cultural environments will be discussed. The application of a multicultural lens and anti-racist stance when engaging a diversity of cultures will be addressed. Most significant, participants will be able to enhance personal engagement styles with clients, especially empowering the voices of the silenced narrative and/or institutionally oppressed. The training will include some lecture, small group exercises, discussions, and videos/films.

Register at:

Training Registration Policy

Registration closes a week prior to the training and we cannot accept late registrations. Thank you for your understanding.

Training Cancellation Policy

If we cancel training or special event as a result of low registration, for example, registrants will be notified by email or phone one week prior to the training date and receive a full refund. Where courses are cancelled for reasons beyond our control, then registrants will be given shorter notice and will receive a full refund. If a registrant cannot attend training and contacts the Training Institute within 72 hours of the training or special event to cancel, a full refund will be issued. If a registrant contacts the Training Institute outside of the 72 hour period, a refund will not be issued.


In accordance with California Civil Code Section 54.1 any disabled person who may require accommodations to participate in our trainings or special events, please contact the Training Institute at 510-273-4700, x4132 at least 3 days in advance.


When a grievance arises pertaining to a Lincoln training, the complainant is expected to notify Minjon LeNoir, Director of Training, either by phone 510-273-4700, x4331, in writing, or in email, as soon as possible so that the nature of the concern may be addressed in a timely fashion in order to be resolved.

Continuing Education

This course meets the qualifications for three (3) BBS CEUs for LPCCs, LCSWs and MFTs as required by the California Board of Behavioral Sciences & is provided by Lincoln, Provider #4906.This course meets the qualifications for three (3) CEUs for LPCCs, LCSWs and MFTs as required by the California Board of Behavioral Sciences and is provided by Lincoln under CAMFT's Continuing Education Provider Program (CEPA), #133478.


If you have questions or need additional information please contact Minjon LeNoir, Training Director, at

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9:00 AM09:00

Motivational Interviewing

Training provides attendees with a basic understanding of James Prochaska and Carlo DiClemente’s Stages of Change. Attendees will learn how to assess a client’s current motivation to change a particular behavior and then learn how to use Motivational Interviewing Open Ended Questions, Affirmations, Reflections, and Summaries (OARS) to further enhance or consolidate the client’s level of motivation.

Trainer: Neslihan Pinar, LMFT

Register at:


Continuing Education

This course meets the qualifications for three (3) CEUs for LPCCs, LCSWs and MFTs as required by the California Board of Behavioral Sciences and is provided by Lincoln under CAMFT's Continuing Education Provider Program (CEPA), #133478.

Training Registration Policy

Registration closes a week prior to the training and we cannot accept late registrations. Thank you for your understanding.

Training Cancellation Policy

If we cancel training or special event as a result of low registration, for example, registrants will be notified by email or phone one week prior to the training date and receive a full refund. Where courses are cancelled for reasons beyond our control, then registrants will be given shorter notice and will receive a full refund. If a registrant cannot attend training and contacts the Training Institute within 72 hours of the training or special event to cancel, a full refund will be issued. If a registrant contacts the Training Institute outside of the 72 hour period, a refund will not be issued.


In accordance with California Civil Code Section 54.1 any disabled person who may require accommodations to participate in our training's or special events, please contact the Training Institute at 510-273-4700, x4132 at least 3 days in advance.


When a grievance arises pertaining to a Lincoln training, the complainant is expected to notify Minjon LeNoir, Director of Training, either by phone 510-273-4700, x4331, in writing, or in email, as soon as possible so that the nature of the concern may be addressed in a timely fashion in order to be resolved.


If you have questions or need additional information please contact Minjon LeNoir, Training Director, at

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9:00 AM09:00

Child Abuse Assessment and Reporting


Participants will learn about the role of a mandated reporter, what constitutes abuse and how to assess for it, the steps involved in making a report, and the therapeutic implications and impact mandated reporting has on the therapeutic relationship with the client. The child welfare laws and the recent addendum for sexual exploitation and media will be covered. Participants will also be invited to examine their own biases and concerns around mandated reporting.

Learning Objectives:

  • Identify signs of sexual abuse, physical abuse, emotional abuse, and neglect.

  • List legal obligations as a mandated reporter as defined by the state.

  • Identify the steps for reporting, including essential information to provide.

  • Name potential positive outcomes of reporting.



Lauren Szyper, PsyD is a clinical psychologist with a background working with high-risk children, adolescents, adults, and seniors in community mental health settings and specializes in the areas of complex and intergenerational trauma, gender identity, and sexual orientation.

Dr. Szyper is currently providing trauma-informed therapy to high-risk youth and is an independent contractor providing training on a variety of clinical topics throughout the Bay Area.


If you have questions or need additional information please contact Minjon LeNoir, Training Director, at

Continuing Education

This course meets the qualifications for six (6) CEUs for LPCCs, LCSWs and MFTs as required by the California Board of Behavioral Sciences and is provided by Lincoln under CAMFT's Continuing Education Provider Program (CEPA), #133478.

Training Registration Policy

Registration closes a week prior to the training and we cannot accept late registrations. Thank you for your understanding.

Training Cancellation Policy

If we cancel training or special event as a result of low registration, for example, registrants will be notified by email or phone one week prior to the training date and receive a full refund. Where courses are cancelled for reasons beyond our control, then registrants will be given shorter notice and will receive a full refund. If a registrant cannot attend training and contacts the Training Institute within 72 hours of the training or special event to cancel, a full refund will be issued. If a registrant contacts the Training Institute outside of the 72 hour period, a refund will not be issued.


In accordance with California Civil Code Section 54.1 any disabled person who may require accommodations to participate in our trainings or special events, please contact the Training Institute at 510-273-4700, x4132 at least 3 days in advance.


When a grievance arises pertaining to a Lincoln training, the complainant is expected to notify Minjon LeNoir, Director of Training, either by phone 510-273-4700, x4331, in writing, or in email, as soon as possible so that the nature of the concern may be addressed in a timely fashion in order to be resolved.

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6:30 PM18:30

Scott Turner Schofield: Transgender 101


Scott Turner Schofield is an acclaimed diversity educator on transgender issues. He is also the first openly transgender actor to play a major role on daytime television (The Bold and the Beautiful). He is a man who was a woman, a lesbian turned (mostly) straight guy who most people think is a gay man. He takes your labels and shreds them with a wink and a smile.

With extraordinary skill and compassion, in his workshops and presentations Schofield meets every individual exactly where they are on their knowledge of gender, biological sex, and sexuality, and facilitates their own expansion on these topics. He co-creates the conversation with each audience group, blending his expertise as a Trans advocate with the pace of the conversation taking place in the room.

Schofield's brilliance lies in his ability to talk about intersectionality - the way that the topics of biological sex, gender, and sexuality are influenced by factors like race, socioeconomic status, geographical location, disability, etc. As every person experiences gender in their own way, he strives to offer a framework for looking at these topics - not a one-size-fits-all “answer” to a “problem.”

And all along the participants lead the way, always leaving enlightened in their individual ways.

His style is light and entertaining, blending in moments of storytelling and allowing personal questions in order to engage his audience’s emotional intelligence, to seal the “hearts and minds” aspect of advocacy that is so important.

In addition to his lectures and workshops, Schofield is also an award-winning writer and performer. He has toured internationally with his original solo performances "Debutante Balls" and "Becoming a Man in 127 EASY Steps". He has been honored with many distinctions and awards, among them a "Fruitie" audience choice award for Best Off-Broadway Performance, and a Princess Grace Foundation Acting Fellowship.

His book, Two Truths and a Lie, was a finalist in two categories for the Lambda Literary Award, and made the American Library Association Rainbow List. D

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6:30 PM18:30

Anthony Ocampo: The Latinos of Asia, How Filipino Americans Break the Rules of Race



Anthony Ocampo PhD is a scholar and writer who focuses on issues of immigration, race and ethnicity, and gender and sexuality. He is the author of The Latinos of Asia: How Filipino Americans Break the Rules of Race, recently featured on NPR Morning Edition. His book examines the racial lives of Filipino Americans, who trace their roots to a society in Asia, but also share many cultural characteristics with Latinos. The Latinos of Asia raises the puzzle: Are Filipinos in the United States “becoming” Asian American or Latino? Ocampo draws on the voices of Filipino Americans to demonstrate how demographic shifts in the U.S. are changing the way immigrants and children understand race. His book also provides a foreshadowing of what race relations in America will look like as our society moves further away from the black-white racial paradigm.

Currently, Dr. Ocampo is working on his second book, To Be Brown and Gay in L.A., which chronicles the way gay men of color from immigrant families negotiate race, gender, and sexuality within their families, neighborhoods, schools, and mainstream LGBT spaces. This book builds on his scholarly research on ethnic and sexual minorities, which has been published in some of the leading journals in the field, such as Ethnic and Racial Studies; Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies; Race, Ethnicity, and Education; Latino Studies; and Journal of Asian American Studies.

Dr. Ocampo has also co-edited two major collections in race and ethnic studies: Contemporary Asian America: A Multidisciplinary Reader and Asian American Society: An Encyclopedia. Beyond his scholarly writings, he has also been featured as a commentator for local and national news outlets, including CNN, 60 Minutes, and The San Francisco Chronicle. Dr. Ocampo also has a regular segment “All Things Fil-Am with Dr. O” on Kababayan Today, a daily talk show for and about Filipino Americans.

Dr. Ocampo is a Ford Foundation Postdoctoral Fellow at the School of Public Policy at UC Riverside and Assistant Professor of Sociology at Cal Poly Pomona. He has served as a dedicated mentor to first-generation students of color through the Ronald E. McNair Scholars Program, and his former advisees have earned admission to prestigious graduate programs at Stanford, Harvard, Columbia, and the University of California. At Cal Poly Pomona, he has been a recipient of the Provost Teacher-Scholar Award and an Outstanding Teaching Award.

A native Los Angeleno, Dr. Ocampo is a graduate of Stanford University (BA ’03, MA ’04) and the University of California, Los Angeles (MA ’06, PhD ’11).

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6:30 PM18:30

Stacey Patton: The Parent to Prison Pipeline


Research shows that black parents are more than twice as likely as white and Latino parents to use corporal punishment on a regular basis, and they are far less likely to never spank their children. But while hitting children is prevalent in black communities, contrary to popular belief, it is not an intrinsic cultural tradition to which members of the child welfare professionals should capitulate for the sake of demonstrating cultural competency. Black parents have legitimate fears about the safety of their children, and an overwhelming majority believe physical discipline is necessary to keep black children out of the streets, out of prison, or out of cops’ line of vision. Black parents who hit their children not only risk catching the attention of child protective services which are over-concentrated in communities of color, but also having their children placed in foster care, which is a pipeline to the juvenile justice system and other types of traps that disproportionately impact black youth. This workshop is designed to educate professionals, parents, clergy, law enforcement officials and advocates about the rise of mass incarceration and its impact on communities of color and their parenting practices. The audience will explore strategies that parents can protect, care for, and love black children in ways that don’t help facilitate the flow of our young people through racist systems, but supports healthy development and success later in life.

Dr. Stacey Patton is an adoptee, child abuse survivor and former foster youth turned award-winning journalist, author, child advocate and an assistant professor of multimedia journalism at Morgan State University. She is the author of the acclaimed and best-selling book, Spare The Kids: Why Whooping Children Won't Save Black America.

She is also the author of That Mean Old Yesterday - A Memoir and the forthcoming book, Strung Up: The Lynching of Black Children and Teenagers in America, 1880-1968.

Patton's writings on race, politics, pop culture, diversity in media and higher education, and child welfare issues have appeared in the New York Times, Baltimore Sun, Washington Post, Chronicle of Higher Education, Al Jazeera, BBC News, DAME Magazine and She has appeared on MSNBC, Fox News, CNN, CBS, Al Jazeera, The Tavis Smiley Show, Here and Now, and Democracy Now.

She has received reporting awards from the William Randolph Hearst Foundation, Scripps Howard Foundation, New York Women in Communications, National (and New York) Association of Black Journalists, The Education Writer's Association, and she is the 2015 recipient of the Vernon Jarrett Medal for Excellence in reporting on American race relations.

Dr. Patton has also received an award from the American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children for using journalism to bring awareness to child welfare issues during the Adrian Peterson and "Baltimore Mom" controversies.

In addition to her journalistic work, Dr. Patton is also the creator of Spare the Kids, an online portal designed to encourage parents and caretakers to use alternatives to hitting children. She travels the country delivering keynotes and professional trainings at universities, child welfare and juvenile justice organizations and agenicies.

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9:00 AM09:00

Child Abuse Assessment and Reporting


Participants will learn about the role of a mandated reporter, what constitutes abuse and how to assess for it, the steps involved in making a report, and the therapeutic implications and impact mandated reporting has on the therapeutic relationship with the client. The child welfare laws and the recent addendum for sexual exploitation and media will be covered. Participants will also be invited to examine their own biases and concerns around mandated reporting.

Learning Objectives:

  • Identify signs of sexual abuse, physical abuse, emotional abuse, and neglect.

  • List legal obligations as a mandated reporter as defined by the state.

  • Identify the steps for reporting, including essential information to provide.

  • Name potential positive outcomes of reporting.

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6:30 PM18:30

Derek Carter: Why a Foster Youth Needs you to Believe in Them


Derek Clark’s life is one of resilience and redemption. As a child he suffered unthinkable child abuse, abandonment and emotional distress before being turned over to the psychiatric hospital at age five. His 13 years in the Alameda County foster care system reflected an early life of humiliation, aggression, emotional distress, overwhelming anxiety and being wrongfully labeled.

Eventually, with the help of loving foster parents and a fantastic social worker, he defied the artificial limitations imposed upon him. Derek knows first-hand how to cope with adversity and overcoming hardship. His past has never held him back from accomplishing what he set his heart and mind to.

Derek is an inspiring speaker, author andhas recently become a viral video sensation for his “Rapping Dad” videos which have had over 225 million views. He’s also been featured on CNN Headline News, The Steve Harvey TV Show and many other TV shows around the world. He is the author of seven books including “Disable the Label”, “Never Limit Your Life” and the “I Will Never Give Up” book series.

His true-life trials and personal triumphs have inspired organizations with his message of hope and unwavering perseverance. He has turned his situation from a victim to a victor, equipping him with the wisdom and the will to never give up.

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9:30 AM09:30

Undocujoy and Undocumentd Migration


Cathi Tactaquin is the Executive Director and co-founder of the National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights(NNIRR). Since 1986, NNIRR — an alliance of diverse community-based groups, coalitions, labor, faith and other sectors — has worked tirelessly to defend and expand the rights of immigrants and refugees, regardless of immigrational status.

Before joining NNIRR, Tactaquin was involved for many years in grassroots organzing and advocacy in the Filipino community on issues of discrimination and foreign policy. She helped found Filipino Civil Rights Advocates, the first national Filipino civil rights organization.

In 1994, she helped form the Geneva-based Migrant Rights International(MRI), an international alliance of migrant associations and human rights advocacy groups. Currently a member of MRI's Steering Committee, she also sits the Board of Directors of the Poverty, Race and Research Action Council in Washington, DC, and the Advisory Board of the Alston-Bannerman Fellowship Program, an annual award recognizing outstanding activists of color.

Tactaquin frequently writes and speaks on the issue of immigration and migration in the global era, including the issues of borders, the internationalization of labor, and undocumented migration. She works closely with environmental organizations and has helped to expose the “greening of hate” - the movement of conservative population and environmental forces against immigration. Most recently, she has been writing and speaking on the immigrant rights agenda within the context of the racial politics and the presidency of Barack Obama.

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10:00 AM10:00

What is Vicarious Trauma and What Can You Do About It?


This two-hour workshop provides information on several ways trauma can affect providers and care-givers: primary trauma, secondary trauma, vicarious trauma, compassion fatigue, and burnout. With this in mind, we then explore a model for developing multiple levels of self-care to help relieve the effects of vicarious trauma.

Learning Objectives:

1. Distinguish between the different types of trauma and understand where they overlap.

2. Learn the Traffic Light model of self-care and identify ways to incorporate self-care into your regular routine.

3. Create an action plan to incorporate at least one change toward better self-care.


After spending many years helping people assess their challenges, improve their skills, and reach their goals in corporate settings, Beverly now integrates this expertise with her current education in mind-body medicine. As a therapist and life coach, she sees her role as one of facilitator and guide. She provides an environment that is gentle and safe for exploration and discovery, while incorporating the qualities of awareness, creativity, spirituality, discipline, humor, and resilience. The foundation for her strengths-based, whole-person perspective about health and well-being is a Masters Degree in Counseling Psychology from John F. Kennedy University with a specialization in Body Oriented (Somatic) Psychotherapy. She is currently completing a PhD in Mind-body Medicine at Saybrook University, which includes a specialization in Integrative Mental Health (anticipated 2018). In addition to seeing clients in her private practice, Beverly is a volunteer clinician for the First Responders Support Network (FRSN) ( and West Coast Post-Trauma Retreat (WCPR).


If you have questions or need additional information please contact Minjon LeNoir, Training Director, at

Continuing Education

This course meets the qualifications for two (2) CEUs for LPCCs, LCSWs and MFTs as required by the California Board of Behavioral Sciences and is provided by Lincoln under CAMFT's Continuing Education Provider Program (CEPA), #133478.

Training Registration Policy

Registration closes a week prior to the training and we cannot accept late registrations. Thank you for your understanding.

Training Cancellation Policy

If we cancel training or special event as a result of low registration, for example, registrants will be notified by email or phone one week prior to the training date and receive a full refund. Where courses are cancelled for reasons beyond our control, then registrants will be given shorter notice and will receive a full refund. If a registrant cannot attend training and contacts the Training Institute within 72 hours of the training or special event to cancel, a full refund will be issued. If a registrant contacts the Training Institute outside of the 72 hour period, a refund will not be issued.


In accordance with California Civil Code Section 54.1 any disabled person who may require accommodations to participate in our trainings or special events, please contact the Training Institute at 510-273-4700, x4132 at least 3 days in advance.


When a grievance arises pertaining to a Lincoln training, the complainant is expected to notify Minjon LeNoir, Director of Training, either by phone 510-273-4700, x4331, in writing, or in email, as soon as possible so that the nature of the concern may be addressed in a timely fashion in order to be resolved.


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