Sexual Harassment Prevention
You will receive a definition of unlawful sexual harassment, a review of laws concerning the prohibition against and the prevention of unlawful sexual harassment, discrimination and retaliation in employment, and a summary of the types of conduct constituting sexual harassment. Additionally, remedies available for victims of sexual harassment and strategies to prevent sexual harassment in the workplace will be reviewed. Factual scenarios based on examples from case law, media accounts, and workplace situations illustrating sexual harassment, discrimination and retaliation will be provided, as will an explanation of the limited confidentiality of the complaint process. Additionally, information regarding resources for victims of unlawful sexual harassment, such as to whom they should report any alleged sexual harassment, and a workplace obligation to conduct an effective investigation of a harassment complaint.
Professional Boundaries
You will receive an introduction to the process of developing a professional identity as human services workers providing care and services to children in out of home care. Motivations for choosing this profession will be discussed, and will the impact of personal history and experiences on this choice. Basic expectations of professional behavior, and standards of boundary management will be presented. Challenges to effective boundary management with children will be discussed. Staff will also receive a review of the conditions of burnout and secondary traumatic stress. Staff will be presented with an overview of self-care approaches and perspectives, developing a brief, realistic self-care plan they can implement in their lives immediately, and readily maintain. Additionally, you will receive an overview of child developmental domains, and an introduction to effective assessment of developmental delays, impairments, or regressions, with particular attention to effective attachment’s role in child development. Impairments in attachment will be discussed, along with cross-cultural applicability. The impact of childhood and/or developmental trauma on attachment will be discussed. Attachment-informed interventions will be presented and suggested. Course format will include didactic presentation, facilitated discussion, and completion of in course assignments.
Trainer: Minjon LeNoir, Training Director
Training Registration Policy
Registration closes a week prior to the training and we cannot accept late registrations. Thank you for your understanding.
Training Cancellation Policy
If we cancel training or special event as a result of low registration, for example, registrants will be notified by email or phone one week prior to the training date and receive a full refund. Where courses are cancelled for reasons beyond our control, then registrants will be given shorter notice and will receive a full refund. If a registrant cannot attend training and contacts the Training Institute within 72 hours of the training or special event to cancel, a full refund will be issued. If a registrant contacts the Training Institute outside of the 72 hour period, a refund will not be issued.
In accordance with California Civil Code Section 54.1 any disabled person who may require accommodations to participate in our trainings or special events, please contact the Training Institute at 510-273-4700, x4132 at least 3 days in advance.
When a grievance arises pertaining to a Lincoln training, the complainant is expected to notify Minjon LeNoir, Director of Training, either by phone 510-273-4700, x4331, in writing, or in email, as soon as possible so that the nature of the concern may be addressed in a timely fashion in order to be resolved.
Continuing Education
This course meets the qualifications for two (2) BBS CEUs for LPCCs, LCSWs and MFTs as required by the California Board of Behavioral Sciences & is provided by Lincoln, Provider #4906.
If you have questions or need additional information please contact Minjon LeNoir, Training Director, at