We are excited to announce that Laura van Dernoot Lipsky, founder and director of The Trauma Stewardship Institute, will be providing Part IV of the Lincoln Trauma Series.
About the Trainer:
Laura van Dernoot Lipsky, founder and director of The Trauma Stewardship Institute and author of Trauma Stewardship: An Everyday Guide to Caring for Self While Caring for Others, has worked directly with trauma survivors for more than three decades.
She has worked with groups as diverse as zookeepers and reconstruction workers in post-Hurricane Katrina New Orleans, community organizers and health care providers in Japan, U.S. Air Force pilots, Canadian firefighters, public school teachers, private practice doctors, tiny non-profits, massive state agencies, libraries, the Pentagon, alternative colleges, and Ivy League universities. Much of her work is being invited to assist in the aftermath of community catastrophes–whether they are fatal storms or mass shootings. She has worked locally, nationally, and internationally. Laura is known as a pioneer in the field of trauma exposure.
Laura’s concept of stewardship is based around the idea that a deeper understanding of trauma exposure and the tools for navigating systems will enable people to do their work better. Her keynotes often touch listeners to the core, but she consistently inspires audiences with laughter and a profound sense of hope. Many participants leave these sessions with a renewed sense of purpose and fresh optimism about the possibilities for transformation. Laura is also an associate producer of the award-winning film A Lot Like You, and was given a Yo! Mama award in recognition of her work as a community-activist mother.
Training will cover:
Setting the Context for Cumulative Toll: We will discuss the context for how a cumulative toll arises and how we’ll engage in this conversation. We’ll discuss some principles that may be helpful in taking in the information.
The Trauma Exposure Response: These are the specific manifestations of cumulative toll. From numbing to anger to cynicism we’ll dive deeply into how one is impacted individually and collectively.
How to Sustain Individually: We’ll look at very concrete strategies for how to create sustainability for oneself individually.
How to Sustain Collectively: We’ll broaden the conversation by looking at how to create sustainability for oneself within a larger context as well as how to create larger organizational, institutional, and movement-level change.
Training Registration Policy
Registration closes a week prior to the training and we cannot accept late registrations. Thank you for your understanding.
Training Cancellation Policy
If we cancel training or special event as a result of low registration, for example, registrants will be notified by email or phone one week prior to the training date and receive a full refund. Where courses are cancelled for reasons beyond our control, then registrants will be given shorter notice and will receive a full refund. If a registrant cannot attend training and contacts the Training Institute within 72 hours of the training or special event to cancel, a full refund will be issued. If a registrant contacts the Training Institute outside of the 72 hour period, a refund will not be issued.
In accordance with California Civil Code Section 54.1 any disabled person who may require accommodations to participate in our trainings or special events, please contact the Training Institute at 510-273-4700, x4132 at least 3 days in advance.
When a grievance arises pertaining to a Lincoln training, the complainant is expected to notify Minjon LeNoir, Director of Training, either by phone 510-273-4700, x4331, in writing, or in email minjonlenoir@lincolnfamilies.org, as soon as possible so that the nature of the concern may be addressed in a timely fashion in order to be resolved.
Continuing Education
This course meets the qualifications for six (6) BBS CEUs for LPCCs, LCSWs and MFTs as required by the California Board of Behavioral Sciences and is provided by CAMFT, Lincoln Provider #133478.
If you have questions or need additional information please contact Minjon LeNoir, Training Director, at minjonlenoir@lincolnfamlilies.org.