Staff Advocacy Work Groups
These groups meet monthly to discuss needs and opportunities within the issue areas, learn from community leaders, and strategize direct community action.
Needs of immigrant families
Focus areas: supporting undocumented families, researching and learning about immigrant rights, following changes to public charge rules, and responding to crises as they arise like petitions against family separation policies
Mission Statement: As Lincoln staff, we believe it is our ethical duty to advocate for our immigrant families. To uplift voices from our immigrant communities to dismantle barriers, empower survivors, resist against fear, and provide resources to staff and families. Rise in power, stand on knowledge and awareness, united.
Housing stability
Focus areas: understanding changing policies at the city, county, and state level regarding evictions during the pandemic, researching and sharing rental assistance programs, recognizing how challenging navigating housing issues is within case management and strategizing ways to ease this, and learning about tenants rights
Mission Statement: We believe that housing is a basic human right and the Bay Area housing crisis threatens the stability of the youth and families we serve. We advocate for increased availability and access to affordable housing and inclusive policies that support all Californians.
Reimagining Public Safety
Focus areas: advocating to bring money back to schools, learning about emerging programs and initiatives to disrupt police involvement in mental health crises in the community, sharing lived experiences with law enforcement within our work to understand ways we may perpetuate these cycles, and examining how as Lincoln staff we can de-police ourselves and offer more de-escalation training for staff
Mission Statement: Lincoln staff hold ourselves accountable to dismantle the school to prison pipeline and advance racial justice in our schools and communities. We advocate and support the redistribution of funding from police to schools and communities to meet the basic needs of those most impacted by over-policing, homelessness, and inequitable access to mental health support.